
species: seraphim
age: 43,738 days
level: 9
The current mood of charthea at

hit points: 4/21
hunger: boundless
health: weakened

Real_magic001 has a holy item

sword of power (unknown origin)

Real_magic001 the Magic Pet is the conduit by which Charlotte Thea interfaces with the world wide web.

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"-.-" ( ';' ) "-.-"
.-..-. c(..c) .-..-.
"-.-" 00 "-.-"

Charlotte Thea is an artist and designer located in Melbourne, Australia. Her design work explores signifiers of femininity and their symbolic histories and associations. She seeks to question how gender signifiers in clothing interact with the wearer and shape their experience and identity.

She has an interest in the heritage of textile art practices and the intergenerational inheritance of craft. Charlotte was first introduced to sewing by her mother and values the maternal lineages of these practices that are often passed down through generations. She has a sustainability-minded approach to her practices and seeks to reduce the environmental impact of her contributions to the field of fashion.

Charlotte has a keen interest in illustration and the conventions of comic creation. Her illustration work playfully explores how narratives are constructed within the genre of comics. She creates nonlinear narratives within her comics that aim to evoke emotion within viewers.

.-..-. /),/) .-..-.
"-.-" ( ';' ) "-.-"
.-..-. c(..c) .-..-.
"-.-" 00 "-.-"

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fortune of the day: loading...

Charlotte Thea would like to acknowledge the people of the Woi wurrung and Boon wurrung language groups of the Kulin nations whose land she practices on. She recognises them as traditional custodians with a wealth of knowledge of and longstanding connection to these lands and waters. She would like to thank them for caring for country and endeavors to use their teachings to do the same. Charlotte would like to pay her respects to First Nations people who may be reading this, as well as Elders past, present and emerging. She acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded.